Aspen's Clinic offers a multidisciplinary outpatient program starting with an assessment by a psychotherapist and a psychiatrist. Your psychotherapist will assess your condition and plan a psychotherapy approach. A plan that involves individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, or a combination will be designed for your needs. One of our psychiatrists will assess your condition for medications that will be safe and effective. Your psychiatry visits and psychotherapy visits will be ongoing for the purpose of stabilization and maintenance.
The purpose of multidisciplinary care is to provide a combination of psychotherapy and medication management, which has been scientifically established to have the best results in improving symptoms of emotional and psychological distress. Visits can be arranged multiple times per week or less often, as infrequently as once every several months, as is clinically needed for your condition. Care will be provided to keep you doing well so you can be the person you want to be!
And now, our outpatient mental health clinic is capable of providing our services to distant sites via internet webcam. Aspen is working with other facilities such as residential drug rehab centers that need mental health care services for their patients. If you are such a facility, please contact us for further information.
Who is a good fit for the clinic?
The clinic is an outpatient program who is seeking regular outpatient care.
What We Provide
Outpatient psychiatric care with psychiatrists and psychiatric nurse practitioners
Regular indivudal, and couples therapy available
We create individulized treatment plans so you can see a therapist as much as necessary
If you feel like they need more help, we can see you multiple times a week, even daily if you are in crisis.
Insurance Coverage
We accept all Medical Assistance policies and some Medicare policies. We do not accept Medicare HMOs. We accept most BCBS policies for outpatient services. Please call for more information.